House of Bread and Peace

Emergency Shelter for women and women with children.

The House of Bread and Peace Emergency need for HVAC Replacement

POSTED August 28, 2024 at 4:30 PM

MISSION COMPLETED! It has been AMAZING to see our community support the House of Bread and Peace today!

Yesterday, our 24 year old HVAC unit finally stopped working completely during one of the hottest days of the year. At 7 am this morning, 8/28, we put out a press release and social media requests to raise $6000+ to get a new unit ASAP. We received an outpouring of support and love!

Three media stations came to help us get the word out. Many of you shared our post to help get support, and many of you generously donated! We cannot thank you all enough!

Then, our friend, Jessica Angelique, contacted her friends at Schmitt Refrigeration. Without skipping beat, Schmitt came over, looked at the old unit, and went back to see if they had a unit to replace it. Sure enough, not only did they have a unit, they are donating it to the House and installing it on Friday!!

For everyone who has donated, please know your donations will still go directly to the inspection, maintenance, and servicing of the entire HVAC system to get through this extreme heat and to prepare for winter weather – as all the units are in need of some love!💜🧡

The women and children The House serves have already been through so much, it is imperative that we maintain a stable environment for them to begin to recover and find their path to a home of their own. We all know that is so much harder to do if your living conditions are unsafe. THANK YOU to everyone who helps us keep our most vulnerable individuals safe and healthy.

MEDIA RELEASE August 28, 2024 at 7 AM

As extreme temperatures continue to soar in the community, the House of Bread and Peace, a program of ECHO Housing & Community Development, is urgently seeking the help of our generous community members to raise $6,000+ for a new HVAC system. The House of Bread and Peace operates as an emergency shelter for women and children experiencing homelessness. The unbearable heat poses a serious health risk to the vulnerable individuals we serve, making the need for a functioning air conditioning system more critical than ever.

Currently, the shelter is struggling with a 24-year-old HVAC system that has completely failed in the extreme heat. This is affecting the well-being of the women and children who rely on the House for a safe shelter environment. As temperatures rise, so does the danger of heat-related illnesses, especially for the young and elderly among our residents.

We Need Your Help!

To address this urgent need, ECHO Housing is launching a fundraising campaign specific to the House of Bread and Peace to collect $6,000+ for a new HVAC system. Every dollar raised will go directly towards purchasing and installing the unit, ensuring that the shelter remains a safe haven during these sweltering days.

How You Can Help:

  1. Donate Online: Visit our website at to make a secure online donation, with “HBP AC Fund” in the notes section.
  2. Mail a Check: Send checks payable to ECHO Housing Corporation with “HBP AC Fund” in the memo line to 528 Main Street, Suite 202, Evansville, IN 47708
  3. Spread the Word: Share our campaign with friends, family, and on social media to help us reach as many people as possible.

“We are calling on our community to help us provide a safe, cool space for these women and children who have already faced so much hardship,” said Sarah Wolf, Social Services Director of ECHO Housing and Community Development. “Your generosity can make a real difference in their lives, offering comfort and safety during this heatwave.”


The House of Bread and Peace provides 23 emergency shelter beds for women and women with children experiencing homelessness. Opened in 1985, it has provided a homelike environment in which hundreds of homeless women and children have been able to heal from the wounds of homelessness. The House offers basic needs while assisting the women in becoming independent and self-sufficient.

In 2024 The House and ECHO Housing and Community Development entered into an agreement that placed The House under the management of ECHO Housing. This union ensured that The House could continue to operate as it always had in the Evansville community. The deep-rooted legacy of Sister Joanna Trainer’s passion of providing a warm bed, hot food, and the opportunity for a new life to women and children remains as the mission of The House of Bread and Peace.

**As we transition and merge the websites, you may still view The House’s previous website here.

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